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The Best Online Sources To Play & Learn Chess

I love playing chess and collecting chessboards and like everything else, my enjoyment of the game has moved online. And here the sources i like.. Chess: The old dependable which everyone can rely on. You can learn everything on this site ranging from the history of the game, the rules, beginner’s tips, tactics to improve, books and equipment to buy and much more.

Chess Problems - the best way to improve is to be given a chess problem to solve. ”Chess Problems” gives you problems to solve ranging from “novice” to “fiendish”

Chess Openings - the most important moves in chess are always the first ones. That’s why you need to always practice your opening moves until they are perfect. “Chess Openings” is “an interactive series of +8,000 unique board positions, from first moves through to full development of pieces, covering all major openings, defences and variations.”

Predator At The Chessboard - I just love the name of this site. This has lots of advice on each chess piece, its value and various tactics. My only complaint is that it is lots of text and no graphics which makes it hard to follow.

Free Internet Chess Server - many chess games document your every move (and your opponent’s move). If you save those moves, you can submit your games to the Free Internet Chess Server and more experienced chess players can analyze them for you. They will then spot possible areas where you are weak and suggest improvements.

And my favorite here is this..

If you wanna play with me, my handle there is Deepblunder :)


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