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Why Indonesian Should Proud

Approach Indonesia from other side, don't know whether is sloppy or pride, but

You Indonesians ?
Still live in Indonesia ?
In Jakarta?
To office go up with crowded bus ?
Traffic stuck?
Ever travel by super cart economy to Yogya or Surabaya ?
Ever flood?
Ever press in bus by freeman horde?

Ok, I am now serious.

If there is that en quire: what that can be prided upon for being Indonesian?
Then my answer is : our self.

We must pride be Indonesians because we can and accustomed to hard life!!!
This is a joke?

Nope, I Serious!! I nope lie.
If I lie let God gives heavy affliction at me (note: he/she said galore property is heavy affliction) Ability for
hard life (I mention ["survival ability") not owned
by ones people life in well established countries.

My Boss (India's) ever story: at one time his friend, call him
Sarukh and its relatives take leaves at my boss to go home to its old country ?
Solemn India to enjoy pension early, after 15 year
job/activity in Singapore .

Eeeeeee? ... have not yet a one year take leave to homes to India ? the Sarukh already
return next to Singapore , and this time have recourse my boss for job again in Singapore.

What happened? My boss ask him .

Sarukh tells a story, after go home to India , its adolescent enlarged
in Singapore becomes stress and become patient fixed psychiatric
over there. Devil-have devils likely that thing caused by
Sarukh's son can not lives with to environment change from
very well established condition ( Singapore) to condition that on the contrary (India).

Thus, in this case, child the Sarukh that has been usual live in settled condition
have no "survival gots better" for living in country that have not yet
establish. For the good its child, finally the Sarukh decides delay pension
early-its and back works in Singapore .

If people has been usual hard life in Jakarta , move or
pay a visit to India nope there is problem.

I remember, 2 year(s) ago when I and my friends pay a visit
to India, my boss give advise to careful for : bring stomachache medicine, and during
in India only drink-beverage from bottle/can.

If to restaurant local don't ever drinks white water provided
from Teapot in restaurant, because the hygiene of water not
guaranteed, and usually foreigner stomach not ready for that; like that my boss advise.

At that time one entourage that go to India consist of 5 people.
One Japanese ? from Japan, two people Singapore and two people
Indonesia (include me who's new one month [job/activity] in Singapore ).
In 2 week visits to India , my colleague from Singapore and Japan
directly diarrhea distress in first week in India , ? after investigated,
possibility reason is they ever order coffee or tea in
restaurant local when lunch (that it is of course not from bottle),
Meanwhile the Japanese, although in tighten his only drink-beverage
bottle or can during eat in local restaurants, hit diarrhea
anticipated because the this Japanese uses faucet water from hotel for
rinse during toothbrush.

Whereas I and one next friend people from Indonesia , in fine feather
not distress [of] a/an any during over there (probably because in Indonesia,
has been become accustomed ice eat something of the home seam street that maybe its water not more
hygiene of water in restaurants India)

What is the moral of the story?

We must pride because we can be better from Japanese and
Singapore!!!! (at least, in the case of stomach resilience) :).

Other Story, last month I send by office (that base-its in
Singapore) to follow a workshop in Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Totalizing time I take on from Singapore to my hotel in Rio de Janeiro
Brazil is 36 hour (entered 5 hour transits in Europe).
In fact, from Singapore to Brazil , most commonly and quick band
it's to the east, transit in America, continued to Brazil .

With this band I predict, in 26-30 Jam I have reached

Merely, because I Indonesians , for transit in America even also I need
apply VISA America, which process of visa application are referred [as] need
time at least 2 week.
Though, I have no time so much. And the result, yeah is being like that, I
must select the opposite route, around part hemisphere
west, transit in Amsterdam , with take on time 6-10 hour longer.
It to be, quite tire, but nope something, whose name is also people
Indonesia, must become accustomed to things that.

I reach hotel in Rio, week day at 11 night.
And next morning its I directly follow workshop over there.
Although has been felt fatigue, I remain to try to involve active in
workshop that morning, by raise question or give input to the
other participant question.

When I rest, I have time to discuss with colleagues
from Germany participant that workshop.
Some from them complaint his tired and distress "jet propulsion lag", because
they have went through 12 hour journeys from Germany, and just arrive at
Brazil noon week day, until not yet enough breathing space for
adaptation Jet lag, so they complaint .

Then, I say to them, that they actually Iuckier
from me, because I must go through 36 hour journeys from Singapore,
and just arrive at hotel at eleven night, less than 12 hour before
workshop are started. They are got stuck, one of them ask to
me: "But you fly, in Business class right?"

"No, my quota only economy class", my answer next.

They are seen growing amaze (or pity?), and one of from them praise.
"Its very impressive, you guys Singaporean are really-really hard workers"
"I'm note Singaporean, I'm Indonesia working in Singapore " my answer

It's seem, that day I become enough recognized among colleague from
Germany, just because flew for 36 hour from Singapore 12 hour
previous and still can be in active follow workshop are referred [as].
I know if I become their discussion , because [in] one mealtime
night, colleague from other jerman pin-cushion that I never tell
hit my journey from Singapore ask to me tips and trick
so that can be fixed fresh after go through journey so long (this
mean him gets my story from colleague other jerman).

I confuse to answer. I relly want to answer like this :

"By entrain travel with cart super economy from Jakarta to Surabaya
in come near day lebaran (day of celebration at end of fasting month.. or Lebaran-Haji festival celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th Islam month).
If you are become accustomed to this transportation tool where not only
species "Homo Sapiens" ( animal and vegetable include) that can become its passenger , and add by long time in way to take on because can be at any given station must
stop, then you will be able to conquer all transportation tools fly
any that on this earth".

Nevertheless, I bracket give answer above, because I worry him
will not understand to the what I explain, and I sure they
will never "survive" by means of ... this transportation, that its facility of course
far from Bisnis class plane (Note : my colleague from jerman,
automatic get facility of business class in plane if time to take on
more than 10 hour).

A week, after I go home from Workshop in Brazil, I don't know because
amaze with "hard life ability" (from the view of they)
that I have, or because other reason, my colleague from Germany that
I meet in Brazil , contact my superior that its nucleus ask me
for assigned to Germany,
helped project that at this time is walking over there.

Consequently nice, on September ? in November I will join forces with
colleagues in Germany finishes project over there. Quite pride upon,
because, my boss said, this the first time "Head office" have recourse
from office of branch for support project that they do in
head office.

Thus after read this article, I hope all reader haves reason
growing pride becomes Indonesians .

If next you beyond the sea and asked "You where from?"


Yes, I am from Indonesia ,
Hard and next Country,
I also live its hard
But I can "survive", And I pride hence!!!
Any Problem???

source: someone who is pride to be indonesian
disclaimer: I have this article come from my email but I don't know the true definitive source from this article, maybe he or she now is working in Germany.


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