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Running Vista More Fast

This is the basic tweaks for running vista more fast. Don't worry, I had test all.
Here the tweaks, enjoy...

User Account Control
User Account Control or UAC is a new feature in Vista that asks for permission to do system software tasks and also run programs. Unfortunately, this security feature is also annoying. I cannot predict the future of your system or what kind of security vulnerabilities will be used to attack systems, and as such, you need to decide for yourself if you desire to keep UAC active, but if you wish to disable it, here is how I do it:
With the default Category Control Panel:
1. Head to Start
2. Select Control Panel
3. Select System and Maintenance
4. Select Administrative Tools
5. Select the System Configuration button
6. Select the Continue button (if UAC is active)
7. Select the Tools Tab
8. Select "Disable UAC"
9. Select the Launch button
10. Select the Ok button to close the panel
You will have to reboot for the setting to take effect.

Now, Microsoft highly recommends that you do not do this. To make their point, after you ignore them and do it anyway, a scary little red X shield icon plants itself in your taskbar, visually screaming at you about the security risk. After the jump, find out how to rid yourself of that sucker.
In Control Panel, go to the Security Center. On the left hand side, click the "Change the way Security Center alerts me" and choose "Don't notify me and don't display the icon (not recommended)" as shown.


Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop
Remove Remote Assistance and ensure Remote Desktop is disabled.
Take Note: Remote Desktop is not available on Vista Home or Vista Home Premium, so the option will not be there.
Where do you find it?
With the default Category Control Panel:
1. Head to Start
2. Select Control Panel
3. Select System and Maintenance
4. Select System
5. Select Remote settings (on the left side)
6. Select the Continue button (if UAC is active)
7. Uncheck "Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer " option
8. Ensure "Don't allow connections to this computer" option is checked
9. Select the Ok button to apply the settings
With the Classic Control Panel:
1. Head to Start
2. Select Control Panel
3. Select System
4. Select Remote settings (on the left side)
5. Select the Continue button (if UAC is active)
6. Uncheck "Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer " option
7. Ensure "Don't allow connections to this computer" option is checked
8. Select the Ok button to apply the settings

Faster menus in Windows
Incredible as it seems, windows is designed to have a 0.4 second delay before opening menus. If you want snappier response in Windows, you can edit the registry to get rid of this delay.

To start this process, run regedit. In the left pane of the regedit window, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER + Control Panel + Click on Desktop and then look for the MenuShowDisplay parameter in the right-hand pane. Double click on this entry and you can edit the value of this delay. The default is 400 (that's milliseconds, 0.4 seconds). You can reduce this all the way down to 0 to get faster opening menus. You'll be surprised how much faster Windows feels when you make this change.


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